Saturday, 24 August 2013

Hello everyone!

It is the Bank Holiday weekend here in the UK -  I have a lot planned for the rest of it but for today I am enjoying having an angel day all to myself writing meditations for my forthcoming Angel Workshop and working on a Reiki folder& content for an attunement I'm carrying out tomorrow at First Degree Level. On Monday John and I have friends coming to stay with us for a couple of days so I will very much look forward to that.

Now this is a strange request, but if the lady I did a reading for at the recent Knutsford Mind Body & Spirit Fair is reading this blog can you get in touch with me please via my contact page.  You will know who I mean if I say 'The Wizard of Oz' to you.  Thank you...

Well there is a lot happening around me right now -  all good stuff but I think I overdid it this week and I had to force myself to rest because I felt so fatigued. In my line of work it's difficult sometimes to know when to switch off but my spirit guides, angels and body were all telling me enough was enough and that some rest and rejuvination was in order!

My book The Quirky Medium has been entered for The Wishing Shelf Independent Book Awards - something I am over the moon about.  For those of you who follow me on Twitter you will remember a little 'Yipee'! remark I made recently. I will keep you all up to date with developments here on my blog!

I enjoyed doing the Quirky Medium show on EGH Blog Media on Tuesday evening - this is a monthly show whereby those calling in may get the chance of a free taster reading with yours truly.  If you missed the show you can hear it again on

I am working on new ventures at present which are very much in their infancy stage but I am enjoying plodding along having fun and enjoying the magic!.

My next Angel Workshop is only a few weeks away - this workshop is now full, but if you would like to put your name down for my next one then please drop me a line.  I have many wonderful things to share with those who are coming along to enjoy working with the magical energies of the celestial realms.  During the weekend of Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th September I will be joining in on The Barrie Island Mind Body & Spirit Fair- I will have a stand where I will be doing clairvoyant readings and selling signed copies of my book The Quirky Medium.

As always I am available for 1 to 1 readings, Skype readings, Reiki Attunements & Angelic Reiki
Treatments.  However, I am booked up until the end of September at the earliest so if you would like a reading, healing or be attuned to Reiki then please contact me as early as possible so I can get you booked into my diary.

I am currently teaching Spiritual Development classes but I am booked up with both level 1 and level 2 at present.  Again, if you would like to put your name down for the next class then please feel free to contact me.

If your feeling that your 'get up and go has got up and gone' - try Juice Plus - see the information on my home page for further information.  Another fabulous way of regaining your energy is by connecting with nature.  Get out in the fresh air as much as you can - embrace the delights of mother nature.  John and I took our dog Libby out for a long walk yesterday and there is so much to see, hear and feel.  I love trees and their wonderful energy and I came across one with a heart on it's trunk which makes so much sense to me.  Trees are alive and emit such a calming ambience around them.  Their thick sturdy roots connect with the earth and yet their branches reach out to the heavens.

I've picked an angel card for you : -

"When you take excellent care of yourself, everybody benefits.  Give yourself a relaxing treat today such as a massage, sea salt bath or pedicure".

Bye for now everyone, and remember to trust and believe.........

Friday, 9 August 2013

Hola everyone!

I hope your enjoying the lovely weather we've been having in the UK and I'd like to say hi to you wherever you are around the globe. Even though you may be thousands of miles away remember that we are all connected through universal energy. There are so many layers within the vast Universe and we are a very tiny  one here on earth a mere droplet! We are also the only ones who worry about time - whether it's being late for an appointment or waiting for a train - time is always a factor in our lives. As earthlings we also worry about what's happened in the past and hold onto events that have long gone. It is a big life lesson to be able to walk away from things that bind us or we feel attached to that we no longer need in our lives.  There is no time in space, and no time in the spirit world or within the Celestial Realms.  Maybe we need to take a leaf out of their book and slow down, bringing our consciousness into the here and now, and really see what's going on around us, looking for the magic in every moment.  I will leave you with that thought....

Well what have I been up to?  apart from doing readings and treatments I have been catching up with friends and for once (practising what I preach!) having some 'me' time.  John and I went to The Lake District last week and had a wonderful day with our friends Sarah and Andy.  We visited a druid stone circle called Long Meg & her daughters which was absolutely magical.  It was a spontaneous visit - we hadn't planned on going there, but as we couldn't get a parking space at the original place we changed our plans and I am so glad we did. The weather was perfect and we were the only people there - it was obviously meant to be.  Hope you like the photographs below.

I enjoyed doing readings at The Knutsford Mind Body & Spirit fair - there were a lot of people there and it was lovely to see friends who popped by to say hello as well as meeting new people - the energies were wonderful.  It's so funny as people ask me how I can do readings in such a busy environment.  The truth is, when I am 'in the zone' I could do them anywhere, because spirit work with me where-ever I am and I feel blessed to be able to give comfort to someone in need.

Tomorrow I will be attuning two lovely people to Second Degree Reiki and I am really looking forward to it.  I thought I would share the Reiki Precepts with you to give you a taster of the unconditional love of Reiki.

Just for today: -

I will not worry
I will let go of anger
I will do my work honestly
I will give thanks for many blessings
I will be kind to every living thing.

If there is anything you are holding onto that you no longer need - let it go.... If there is anyone who has hurt you or are not around you for the right reasons - put distance between you and eventually you will be able to move forward in your life. Ask the angels to help - remember they can't intervene until you tell them your troubles.

On that note I will leave you and hope you have a fabulous month!

With love from The Quirky Medium!  x