Saturday, 22 March 2014

Hi lovely one!

Thank you for reading my blog - now that spring has finally sprung I feel like I want to get out of bed earlier, get out amongst nature and I really do have a spring in my step!

I've had a mad whirl of stuff going on the past month or so, but it's all great as I believe that what you put in, you get back and the hard work is paying off.


If you haven't seen my new website, why not check it out @ where I have written some great articles that will give you a taster for what to expect when my On-line angel workshop goes live! Subscribe to the newsletter to be one of the first in line re the workshop & forthcoming events/promotions.


I enjoyed the Psychic Night last night at The Moulton Verdin Club in Northwich.  Spirit were amazing as usual, and as I moved through the audience with messages, they made us laugh, too. We all raised the energy in the room at the start of the evening and you could feel the positive vibe in the room as loved ones came forward to give words of comfort, love and laughter.


By now most of you know that I am moving to Spain soon which is where I will be doing the first Webinar for Discover the angels on-line workshop.  I will carry on as normal with Skype Readings and e-mail angel readings. I will be doing 1 to 1 readings for people in the local area, and will be taking part in events in the Alicante region of Spain.


My book 'The Quirky Medium' is selling fast especially on Amazon, so don't miss out, get yourself a copy and enjoy reading about my spiritual journey as well as reading behind the scene's exerts from The Rescue Mediums.  The show will be airing again in the UK on the 2nd April on CBS Reality UK, check out further details @


Once I'm settled in Spain I will be blogging again to let you know how we are getting on - it is a massive change for John and I, and I get butterflies every time I think of it, but it is a calling, something that feels right - so I am embracing this change rather than resisting it because there are many new ventures on the horizon.


As an author, I resonate with this quote which makes so much sense to me so I thought I would share it with you. It's by Carlos Ruis Zafon.  "Every book, every volume you see here, has a soul. The soul of the person who wrote it and of those who read it and lived and dreamed with it.  Every time a book changes hands, every time someone runs his eyes down its pages, its spirit grows and strengthens'.


Remember to always have confidence in yourself.  Last night at the Psychic Event I was feeling a little nervous, but I heard a spirit lady that had come forward say "Don't worry lovey, we are here, and everyone will enjoy the evening we'll make sure of that".  How cool!
