It's been a couple of months since I posted my blog and a lot has happened since then. We have now settled into our new home and recreated a place of ambience for ourselves and our beautiful pets. The place needed a lot of updating, some tlc and angelic house blessings from yours truly. For those of you who are friends on Facebook you will have seen the transformation, and the wonderful photo's of our dog and cats enjoying the peace of their new home.
A month ago, the evening before my birthday I slipped on wet tiles and ended up with a torn tendon. I can't tell you how much pain I was in. An injection supposedly for the pain at the health centre didn't work, and I couldn't walk at all. I was taken to the hospital where I was taken inside in a wheelchair but after a few hours of tests and an ex-ray, they said there were no broken bones. I was told to rest, not to use stairs and to see my GP in a week's time. I had to take my friend with me who is fluent in Spanish to interpret for me, and it brought it home to me how useful it would be for me to speak the language myself. I have already picked up a few words, but those words put together would make the strangest sentence which would go something like this! Muebles' perro, por favour, gracias, dos, uno, vino blanco, vino tinto, de-nada, bale... Which translated means 'Furniture, dog, please, thank you, one, two, white wine, red wine, no problem, and okay.... Yes they would lock me up so I do need to get learning and quick! I have since had 3 more trips to the GP, another trip (parden the pun) for another X-Ray as the Doc wasn't happy with how the sole of my foot was bruised but since then the brusing has gone, and although it's swelled, I can get around a bit although I'm conscious not to overdo it.
It is Fiesta time here in Spain - lots of fireworks and firecrackers going off, parades, disco's until dawn (no, I didn't join in that one), and all in all, the Summer means that everyone is happily enjoying themselves.
Discover the angels programme
Well, I am very proud of my on-line angel workshop http://discovertheangels.com/sign-up-page/ - if this is something you are interested in, take a look at the website and sign up for our newsletter. If you like what you see, I would welcome you as one of our members. I ran a successful live webinar for members last night entitled 'Connect with your Guardian Angel' which was so serene - I could feel the wonderful energies in the room and have had excellent feedback. I was also very excited about a wonderful FREE e-book entitled 'Working with the angels' which was offered to those who have joined the Discover the angels Face-book page. We currently have over 1000 members!
Rescue Mediums
I will always be a Rescue Medium and am very proud to have been part of such a successful show. The show is airing again on CBS reality in the UK and Europe during alternate mornings & afternoons on week-days. Check out the schedule here - don't miss us! http://www.cbsreality.tv/eu/shows.php?title=Rescue+Mediums
The Quirky Medium
I am so proud of my award winning book of the same name! & I have received fabulous feedback from The Wishing Shelf Independent Book Awards, and am over the moon to be a silver award winner. Here is part of the feedback and I hope you like the 'catchy quote' as much as I did!
"Cover 10/10
The readers thought the cover was excellent. Strong central image of the lady herself, very easy to read
fonts and a superb blurb, particularly the first line enticing the reader in. One reader put in her
feedback, ‘What I liked most about the cover werethe colours. Being a graphic designer myself, I know how difficult it
is to get colours just right. This designer understands colours.’
Editing 10/10
The book was well structured with no apparent spelling or punctuation errors.
Theme 10/10
The readers thought this book was highly inspirational. They also thought it was a fascinating insight
into the work of a medium, in particular, her work on the TV show.
They very much liked how the book was divided up which kept the book feeling fresh. Many of the
readers enjoyed the Rambling and Thoughts; others enjoyed The ABC of Spirituality. One reader put,
‘The Ramblings and Thoughts were very accessibly written. It gave the reader a chance to understand where the author is
coming from in a ‘day to day’sort of way.’ Another reader put, ‘Iliked the ABC part. Not only was it informative but,
despite being an encyclopedia of sorts, it was still written in a fun and light-hearted way. I learnt a lot from the chapter.
Now, at last, I know what Shamanism and Psychometric are!’
To Sum Up
Thanks very much for entering your book in our small awards. Our readers very much enjoyed your
book. Not only did they feel it was well-written and informative, it was also very well presented with
a enticing blurb. Congratulations on being a SILVER MEDALIST.
I guess the only criticism was from a few readers who felt some of the most difficult moments in your
life, for example, when you had to deal with an abusive second husband, felt a little rushed. Worth a
thought for future writing.
I hope this feedback is of help to you and I wish you every success in the future.
Catchy Quote
“An insightful and often surprising look into the world spirituality. Almost
impossible to put down.” The Wishing Shelf Awards
It's work as usual!
Since moving to Spain I have enjoyed doing numerous Skype readings especially for people in Canada, the USA, and the UK. I am doing readings locally on a 1 to 1 basis, as well as Reiki healing, Angelic Reiki, and teaching in Angel Tuition, Reiki Attunements & Spiritual Development. So if you live in the Costa Blanca region of Spain why not get in touch? @ thequirkymedium@gmail.com
I will be exhibiting at the prestigious 'Home, Garden & Lifestyle Show' at La Finca Golf & Spa Resort on the 15th & 16th October - why not pop along to say hello? More details coming soon!
Divine Timing
I often quote to others that things take time, and to have patience so I need to take a leaf out of my own book - having initially feeling rather frustrated at not being able to get about much, I am using the time where I have to rest wisely. There is another book on the cards, and other new ventures on the horizon - watch this space!
Summer is here!
It is very very hot here in Spain at present, reaching 42 degrees the other day. It has been 38 today but it is easy to cool down. I had a lovely dip in the pool this morning which helped my foot no end, and I never say no to a lovely cool glass of vino blanco.. I have always drunk lots of water, and I am drinking literally gallons now! I keep in the shade during the hottest part of the day, but I can still get a little sun first thing in the morning and after 7pm at night. We have some beautiful sunsets here... I never tire of watching the orange glow of the sun slowly descending behind the magical mountains.
Friends & family
Many of our family and friends are coming out to see us and I am so excited - I can't wait to see them - In fact my lovely friend and Reiki Master Pam has already been to stay and she only went back a couple of days ago, missing her already. My daughter and 3 gorgeous Grand-daughters come out on Wednesday and we have more friends coming out in August, September and October! I will still be working as they will no doubt be going out to the beach or taking a dip in the pool while I am slogging away....tee hee hee...
Don't be shy
If you would like further information about a Clairvoyant Reading, Skype reading, Angel E-mail reading, healing session or one of my classes, please don't hesitate to contact me via e-mail. In case you didn't catch it earlier, here is my e-mail address again thequirkymedium@gmail.com I look forward to hearing from you.
Take it easy
I know many of you will be going away on holiday soon if you haven't already been, so have a magical time and enjoy the change of scenery.
With love & blessings, The Quirky Medium x