I hope as you are reading this you are having a magical time! Personally, I have had a very busy couple of months and have realised that I haven't written my blog since February so apologies for missing the month of March out!
What have I been up to?
Well, my cousin Jill came to stay, all the way from Australia! and we had an amazing time. It had been 11 years since we last saw each other but there was no awkwardness, no 'wondering what to say'. In fact it was the reverse - poor John (my hubby) had to put up with two of us talking ten to the dozen and screeching with delight as we looked at old photo's of us growing up, howling with laughter at the memories. Fabulous times!
I then went on a spontaneous visit to the UK, flying out with Jill who wanted to visit old haunts in Cheshire before she flew back home to Perth.
I have been busy here doing events in Spain with more to come, as well as private readings and being interviewed yesterday on The Breakfast Show Real Radio by Dave Bull the editor of All Abroad Magazine. It was a fun show with good interaction from listeners. I really enjoyed it. I was also interviewed about Angels by Paul Green of Radio Northumberland.
Forthcoming events
Join myself and Spirit Artist Gillian Berridge on Thursday 23rd April @ The Queseda Country Club for An evening of clairvoyance. Please contact sueinthesun@hotmail.co.uk for tickets which are only 10 euros!
Join me in this wonderful workshop which includes grounding, beautiful meditations, telepathy exercise, psychometry, and much much more! There are limited spacs on this course with only 3 spaces left so drop me a line or give me a ring if you'd like to reserve a space.
Due to the wonderful night had by all at the last event at this venue, I will be back doing my thing! at the Pablos International Bar in Playa Flamenca. An earlier slot than usual, the show starts at 5pm, on Monday 25th May. Please ring the reservations number on the poster to book your ticket(s)
Join me and the Angels at this stunning workshop on Saturday 4th July where you will learn about the Elemental Angels, the Magical Correspondences of the Archangels, and how to cast simple Angel Spells and much more! As the title states, you will be getting creative with the angels. Bring a decorative glass bowl with you on the day. Again, there are limited spaces on this course so book yourself a place to avoid disappointment.
Angel card of the month (cards by Alison Wynne-Ryder) DISCOVER THE ANGELS
The angels guided me to pick this card as it will reach out to many of you. There are a lot of changes around people whether personal or work related. Many of you are looking for something and are not quite sure what you are looking for. This could be due to holding onto hurt from the past, so let Archangel Zadkiel guide you in sending forgiveness out to others so you can move on in your life. As well as being the angel of compassion, he is also known as the 'Angel of Wisdom, or Memory'. If you are going for an interview, or your sitting an exam, invoke Archangel Zadkiel to keep you calm, and have faith in your own abilities.
Archangel Zadkiel is of the violet ray for compassion,
forgiveness and purity. This uplifting card is what you have been waiting to
hear as Archangel Zadkiel brings comfort in your hour of need. So much has
happened that sometimes it really is difficult to brush yourself down, and get
up when you have been worn down to the ground. However, Archangel Zadkiel is
here to help you let go of judgements as you send forgiveness to those who have
hurt you in the past. It is time now to change old and outworn habits by moving
away from the destructive attitudes of others. The actions of others cannot
always be determined and it is so hard to understand why people or certain
situations never seem to go away. To invoke Archangel Zadkiel, ask him to
enfold you in the transformational energy of the violet ray flame and transmute
all your negativity into joy. This magical angel can also enhance psychic
abilities, promote meaningful dreams and will calm emotional turbulence.
Mantra - I am free, focused and inspired.
Crystal - Amethyst