Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Hello there, it's me again, The Quirky Medium.  So what have I been up to this week?  It's been a busy week but fruitful and I am feeling on top of the world.  I had a lovely weekend at the Nantwich Mind Body & Spirit event where I was doing clairvoyant readings and met lots of lovely new people as well as catching up with old friends. The room was charged with wonderful positive energy and I was in my usual spot next to the lovely Laura and her son Matthew with their beautiful angel figurines.  There were lots of surprises during the weekend with little treats from my angels and making new friends which is what it's all about.  I did a talk on Sunday which in my usual quirky way I got mixed up as I thought it was about Cosmic Ordering but when I looked on the events list I realised it was about my book!  However, it dawned on me that this was so apt because I had cosmic ordered the book in my own way - more about this later!  so I decided to talk about both subjects as well as my medium-ship, teaching and of course, our guardian angels.  The talk went really well and I have to say I am proud of myself.

When I worked for the police I had to give presentations to the command team and I used to get so nervous with a red rash appearing on my neck so I always tried to disguise this with a scarf.  I used to shake with nerves before hand and couldn't wait until it was all over. This though is different as it is my passion - I love what I do 100% and I am honoured to work closely with spirit and the angels in order to help people understand what spirituality is all about so they too can lead the life they choose. I have found that people are now seeking me out to develop them and I now do private tuition in Spiritual Life Coaching and Angel Communication as well as being asked to do Angel Blessings in their home.  Houses retain negativity and if your home needs a 'lift' then I can come along and bring a sprinkling of angel magic and healing into your living space as well as around you and your family. If you are interested in a house blessing please let me know via my contact page. Healing is a big part of what I do and as a Reiki Master when I give talks or do clairvoyant readings I send healing  to my client to help them move forward in their lives.

I have two more places left on a First Degree Reiki course on the 13th April so if you would like a place please let me know as soon as possible - it is a beautiful day full of love, peace and healing.  You will be attuned to the Reiki Ray and learn about the history, principles and precepts of Reiki as well as the hand positions when giving a Reiki Treatment.  Your own self-healing is paramount at this level because you can't heal others until you have healed yourself so think about YOU as you are very important even though most of you I have spoken to don't feel you are.  Remember that you are a wonderful and unique child of the universe and you deserve the best that life can give you.

If you would like to know how to spring clean your life and home, read my feature in this month's Prediction Magazine - (March edition is in the shops now). For those of you who need to let go of old patterns in your life and want to know more about the angels and how to communicate with them, why not put your name down for my Angel Breath workshop in May - see my forthcoming events page for further details.

I will leave you now with a little message from the Angels.  "When you have wings you can be anywhere and everywhere at the same time".

Know that your angel is by your side, feel their breath on your cheek and believe......

Lots of love, light & angel blessings,     Alison  xxx

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