Monday, 6 February 2017

Hola friends,


It's lovely to be writing my quirky ramblings again after such a long time!

A lot has gone on for me personally, and I have been taking a little time out to concentrate on a couple of new ventures that need both time and energy. Sometimes it can be difficult to demonstrate both, but I am willing, and I know that the Angels and Spirit have my back.

John's antics!

My husband John was diagnosed with cancer before Christmas and has been receiving treatment and even though I 'don't do' negativity, it was a dreadful shock but we are being as positive as we can be. My faith is keeping me strong. John is a very positive man in general, and although he is poorly at present, with rest and support I know he will come through this. So I thought I would share one of his antics with you......

During day 1 of his radiotherapy treatment, our friend Jan accompanied us in case we didn't understand what the Doctor and nurses were saying. My Spanish isn't good yet, and they speak so fast, so 'Poco poco' seems to be my mantra of late.

John got up and went to get undressed along the corridor. From where I was sitting in the waiting room, I could see him in a little green gown. He turned with his back to me, grinned over his shoulder, bent over, and flashed his bare bum at me! What he didn't realise, was that Jan had moved into the seat he had vacated, and she saw more of him than she had bargained for! It was hilarious!  When I told John afterwards he thought I was joking because as he had looked into the waiting room he could only see me! His sense of humour has definitely seen us through all this.

The rain in Spain!

After a wild winter here in Spain where we experienced snow, sleet, hail, and howling winds, the weather seems to have calmed down and today is lovely, bright and peaceful. Just the ticket for meditating with the sun on my face and I do feel it won't be long before 'Spring has sprung'!

Angels & Skype Readings

If you love angels, check out where I share the love of the celestial realms with you, and give details of how to book a Skype reading with me. Each reading includes a personal channelled message from the angels
Check out my Testimonials page to see what others say, There are also free articles that you may find interesting too!

Spiritual Development classes

Last year, my Psychic Development class here in Spain were awarded their Level 3 Certificates. They worked so very hard, and I am proud of their achievement. To see how the have developed throughout their training has been wonderful for me - it was a true gift to be able to share in their celebration.

I have a new class starting at the end of this month which is now full. I have to say, I am as excited as they are, to get started and share the love of the angels and spirit with them.

Platform work

Working with spirit in front of an audience can be so rewarding. When the messages come through, they are filled with love, and inspiration. Very often, when a loved one comes forward they have us laughing because if they had a good sense of humour on the earth plane, that is how they come forward from spirit. One of the most divine places I have worked in, is a private cave in Denia. As soon as I walk into the place I can feel the uplifting energy. I have done a couple of demonstrations here with my lovely spirit artist friend Gillian Berridge and a couple of events on my own. Gillian and I have also done a couple of events at The Club in Quesada. Check out Gillian's website here: -

Forthcoming Workshops

Coming up! Another wonderful 'Archangel Chamuel workshop is on the way for those who missed out last time, and a brand new workshop is currently in the hands of the angels - more details to come soon! I have shared some photos of the earth angels that have attended classes in the past below.

The Costa Blanca People

I write a weekly article for the paper in answer to any questions readers have about Spirituality. I have written about Pets in Spirit, Guardian Angels, Signs from above, Psychic Vampires, Crystals, Cosmic Ordering, and much much more. Some of the articles are included on my website

Rescue Mediums

We are now on Netflix!  UK, America and Australia are just three of the Countries you will be able to watch us do our thing! I wondered why I was getting quite a lot of mail from America particularly until the lovely lady who was having her reading mentioned she had seen every episode of the show on Netflix. Mystery solved!  Don't worry though, if you haven't got Netflix, (link below), you can still catch us on

Self-help Videos on You-Tube

Check out the Video's I have recorded on youtube. There are more to come and I will advertise them on Social Media and my websites

The Quirky Medium

My Award Winning book 'The Quirky Medium' is available on Amazon, as an e-book and a paperback. Why not check it out? You won't be disappointed!

Angel blessings

I thought I would finish with a beautiful quote which to me, sums up how the angels shower us with their love, have everything covered, and when we rest and live in the moment, they can help us on our way. Know that if you ask and believe, you WILL receive.

Many blessings to each and every one of you.

Earth angels every one!