Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Hello beautiful people

Don't forget to listen in tonight to EGH Media - I will be a guest on the show as well as doing mini 'taster' readings on air.  Click on the link for further details. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/eghmedia/2013/04/16/the-quirky-medium

I thought I would write to you this week about how we spend most of our lives planning ahead and then when it doesn't go according to plan we are not sure which way to turn.  I have had one of these weeks, but I am a great believer in that things happen for a reason.  Here is what happened.

On Friday I decided to have a much needed day from working and decided to spend time with my Mum.  I went to pick her up and got as far as the next street when my car conked out. It was strange as I felt that something was going to happen (I must be psychic!) and as soon as the gear stick felt loose in my hand I knew.. that car, me and Mum were not going anywhere - well not very far, anyway!

Mum walked round to the local garage and I stayed with the car.  I rang my step son Gary who is a mechanic but got no answer just as an elderly gent came from around the corner to ask if I needed help.  He said he would give me a push as the car was skew whiff across the road but I felt awful, I thought - this little gent can't push my car as I steered, but do you know what? he did!  He went on his merry way, and a mechanic from the garage turned up and put the bonnet of the car up.  He said it was the gear selector linkage that had broken off and it would be a specialist dealer who would have the part so I would have to order it.  Mum turned up not long after and we paid him.  We rang my sister who for once was off work and she took me home. Mum ended up having a day out with her, and her friend Jane who was up from London.  I hadn't seen Jane for around 20 years so it was wonderful chatting to her in the car on the way home and we exchanged details.

Once home I took the dog for a long nature walk and I noticed so many wonderful (and not so wonderful) things along the way.  Firstly I saw a man by the farm looking down by the fencing and as I got nearer, he said "Look at that rat". I couldn't believe what I saw, it was the most enormous rat with it's head stuck in the railings, very dead, but an odd spectacle if I have ever seen one.  Everything on that walk seemed to be heightened, the birds singing seemed louder, beautiful and succinct, and I saw a cheeky robin who flew down to watch me walking along with the dog.  I saw a bright yellow butterfly alight from a branch on the tree and dart about over some daffodils.  The dog found the pond and went for an impromptu swim as I stood on the bridge enjoying the spring air, and calm ambience of the place.  It really was bliss...

I realised once home again that I needed some rest and rejuvination - I hadn't had much of that lately and I stopped feeling guilty about Mum's day being spoiled because of my shed (I mean car!!). She had a whale of a time with Carol and Jane, and I saw her on Sunday with the rest of the family.  Gary rang me back and has sorted out the order for the new part for the car and although I havn't driven the car now for 5 days, it really doesn't matter.  You put things into perspective - there is so much going on around us so a car conking out really isn't the end of the world.

On Saturday I attuned two wonderful people to 1st Degree Reiki - the energies in the room were amazing and we also had a lot of fun, too.

On Sunday, after hearing a strange noise in the house at night for the past 3 evenings I decided to do some psychic detective work to find out who it was making the noise which always seemed to be around 4am in the morning.  After checking all the usual logical explanations such as heating, floor boards creaking etc. to no evail it was obvious this was a spirit and they were calling out to me for help.  When I linked in with my guides I was told it was a young boy called Samuel around 9 years of age.  The noise sounded like a toy and I couldn't put my finger on what it was - at first I thought it was a ball, rolling round and round, but it seemed to come to an abrupt end, then start all over again.  It was coming from one of the spare rooms near, or inside the wardrobe and Samuel told me he hid in there as he felt safe.  The room felt heavy and I couldn't breathe properly and there was a deep cold building up around me - I knew he was ready to go to the light but I needed help which came in the form of my lovely friend Sarah who has already helped with a few spirit rescues.

Prior to this, the evening before, as the noise got louder and louder, I asked him to do something else and I heard a light clanking noise which came from the corner of the room where my jewellery was.  I stood still as I saw a little angel on one of my necklaces slightly swaying back and forth.  He said he liked angels.......
That day, my daughter was round at my house and I told her what had been happening and she walked into the room.  She said "Oh Mum, it is freezing in here, really creepy" and she then heard the noise.  She turned to me and said "Mum, it's a spinning top".  I realised in that instance that she had hit the nail on the head - that is exactly what it was that I had heard.  Oh bless him...  Just before Sarah arrived I had a chat with 2 of my good friends on Skype who suggested I put some flour down on a board with coins around it and little toys. I went into the room and explained to him what I was doing, and why.  I told him that I was there to help and my lovely friend Sarah, who also liked angels would be helping me.  Once she arrived we got ourselves set up in the room with crystals, candles, our angel figurines and jewellery and we waited.  We were not disappointed - after what seemed to be hours  he came towards me quite suddenly and showed me what had happened to him in his short life.  It was devastating and all he could think about was losing his little brother Tom's spinning top. He felt guilty leaving his little brother and losing his favourite toy, but we consoled him and when the light appeared, his brother Tom, and his older sister Mary came to greet him & they guided him over.  Afterwards the room felt so much lighter and we checked the flour. One of the coins had moved, and there was an addition - a little smiley face etched in the flour.  Samuel's way of thanking us for helping him.

So you see, my week turned out the complete opposite to what I'd planned.  My car broke down, I had a spirit child in the house who we sent to the light, and I can't get out and about as much with no transport but do you know what?  It really doesn't matter because I have had time to do some much needed de-cluttering in the house and I've had some quality time with me!.  Remember to live in the moment, and believe..........

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